Easy Gas – Raclette Machine for 1/2 wheels (gas operated)


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Gas operated raclette machine for half wheels

Only 1 left in stock


Practical light device for half cheese wheels. This raclette oven is operated with commercially available butane or propane tanks. Tiltable combi- cheese holder, height adjustable by turning the spindle. The device can be disassembled in just a few steps.  Custom–dimensioned cases are available. Delivered with a backpack including an isothermally covered case for a half raclette cheese.

Outdoor use only.

Pressure regulator and hose not included.

2 years manufacturer warranty*.

Power:2000 - 2500W
Base plate size:43 x 28cm
Operating mode:Gas
Type of cheese required:1/2 wheels

Get 10% off our raclette cheese

With every purchase of a raclette machine you get 10% off our full range of raclette cheese.
Conditions: Purchase has to be made separately after the completed purchase of the raclette machine. Valid for one purchase only. No minimum, no maximum spend. Subject to availability. Cannot be combined with any other offer.

What is covered by our 2 years manufacturer warranty

The manufacturer provides 24 months of warranty from the date of purchase on all electric and gas raclette machines sold via The Red Cow. The warranty covers material and production faults but excludes damages due to improper handling of the products. Additionally, burnt out heating elements (models Ambiance and Super) after a usage of more than 1,000 hours are excluded from this warranty. Also, parts that suffered from improper or non cleaning (e.g. put in dishwasher) are excluded.

Additional information

Weight 9 kg
Dimensions 54 × 46 × 20 cm


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